Legal Disclaimer
This website does not constitute an offer to purchase or solicitation to sell, nor is it a recommendation to buy or sell any token or product, including but not limited to:
- Paragon’s PGN Vaults
- Atlas Telegram Bot
- Paragon dApp
- Paragon Launchpad
- Corporate Credit solutions
- Offshore Banking services
- Educational Products
Purchasing and selling tokens is inherently risky, and holders must bear their risk of loss. The Paragon team does not accept any liability for losses, taxes, or damages that holders, purchasers, or sellers of Paragon may incur. The value of Paragon may decrease and may be highly volatile.
The information provided on this website is subject to change at the sole discretion of the Paragon team, including but not limited to:
- Percentages allocated to PGN Vaults
- Taker and maker fees for the Atlas Telegram Bot and Paragon dApp
- Terms and conditions for the Paragon Launchpad, including fees and access tiers
- Features, pricing, and content availability for Corporate Credit solutions and Educational Products
Such changes may be made in response to market conditions, strategic decisions, or other factors deemed necessary to ensure the long-term success and sustainability of the platform.
This website is not directed towards any person located in a jurisdiction where purchasing, selling, or holding Paragon is prohibited or regulated. Consult your local laws before transacting in any cryptocurrency.
While every effort is made to provide accurate and up-to-date information, users should conduct their own research and exercise caution when engaging with Paragon’s ecosystem. By using Paragon’s products and services, users acknowledge and accept that:
- Terms, conditions, and mechanisms described are not guaranteed
- These terms may evolve over time
For the latest updates, please refer to official announcements published through Paragon’s website and communication channels.